Monday, February 14, 2011

Brynley's Birthday 12-17-10

The time had finally come.....


The day we checked into the hospital

We checked into the hospital, after I worked a full day, on Thursday, December 16th at 8:30pm. I was a little nervous but very excited to meet our little girl. I was only able to have soup for dinner, so I was a little hungry anticipating not being able to eat for many hours ahead. After I got changed and settled into bed, they inserted Cytotech- which is a pill that helps expand the cervix. We watched Christmas movies and tried to get some sleep.

The next morning, I had not dialated much at all. I think I was at a 1. They gave me Pitossin early that morning to help start contractions. Around 9am, after I had not made any progress, they decided to stop the process, because I wasn't dialating like they were hoping. They told me they would give me another Cytotech to help with dialation, and could check me again and if no progress, they would send me home and come back Monday. I was very sad, and disappointed. The good news.....they let me eat breakfast!!! After breakfast, and a couple hours later, I had made a little bit of progress, so they told me we could stray and stick it out. Whew....what a relief! My parents were there since the morning, and Michelle also stopped by a few times. I was having some light contractions, but nothing too painful. Around 2pm my water broke on it's own. It was such a crazy feeling. Soon after that, my contractions started getting more and more intense. Jeff kept telling em to get the epidural, but I wanted to experience contractions (true labor) for a little while. After about an hour of sticking out the contractions, I opted for the epidural. Wow, it was awesome! After a while, they gave me some other pain medicine which knocked me out for a couple of hours. This was good because I needed to sleep anyhow. The nurses kept checking me, and the most I ever dialated was to a 3. Many hours later, Wendy and Ally had also come, as well as Jeff's family-Jennifer, Kris/ Jerry and Sheryl and Bob. Tanya also stopped by for a bit too. Since I wasn't making any progress at all, and after talking it over, Jeff and I decided to go with a C-section as they encouraged us to do. So, around 10:00pm, they got us prepped and ready for surgery. I started getting a headache at this point from exhaustion and stress.

They took us to surgery. I was very nervous and feeling very sick from the drugs and headache. I wish I didn't feel that way so I could have enjoyed the experience a little more. It was all so surreal and I was on the verge of tears the whole time. I remember asking Jeff if my legs were bent, and he said, "No, they are straight as s board." The anesthesiologist explained that whatever position your legs were in, when you received the drugs, that is the position that it feels like they are still was a very weird feeling.

At 10:54pm, our baby girl was brought into this world! The cord was wrapped around her neck and we also learned later the reason why I wasn't having any luck having her vaginally- my coccyx (tailbone) was curved and she was having a hard time getting into position.

Jeff and I were so excited and overjoyed! She looked perfect! Jeff took some pictures as they weighed her and then he brought her to me. I just cried with excitement and relief that she was healthy.

Byrnley Paige Reeves

7lbs. 11 oz.

19 3/4 inches


The first time I got to hold Brynley!

Our first family picture!

They had Jeff and Brynley go back to the room, while the delivered my placenta and stitched me up. As they rolled me back to the room, I felt very sick and told the nurses that I had a very bad headache. As soon as they got me back into the room, they asked if I wanted to hold Brynley. I quickely said, "No, I'm going to throw up!" Jeff was great and very helpful. I threw up quite a bit for a good 5-10 minutes. After throwing up and some drugs, I felt much better!

Jeff holding his baby girl. SHe already has him wrapped around her little finger!

Mommy and Brynley. =)

Aunt Wowo, making Brynley smile for the first time!

Our new family!

I've fallen in love!

Papa Bob holding his first grandchild.

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