8 Months
Brynley, Caleb and Emele
Wearing her new outfit that Mama and Papa bought her in Hawaii
Brynley visited daddy at his work.
Sitting up so good now!
Hawaiian Falls Waterpark. She loves to play in the water!
Brynley chillin in her sunglasses.
Brynley and Addison at swim class.
Cutie Pie!
8 Months
Brynley was so much fun this month! She develops more and more everyday. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't grow up so quickly. We enjoyed spending time together, before mommy had to go back to work to start the new school year. We enjoyed going to the waterpark a few times, went to visit Papa- Pa, went to the Dallas World Aquarium, and went shopping and ate lunch with WTE friends at Grapevine Mills mall. She is growing very attached to mommy and often cries when I leave the room. She can now reach out for mommy and daddy, which is very sweet and cute! Her sleeping is getting better this month. She is sleeping through the night, and will occasionally get up, but goes right back to sleep.
This month Brynley got her very 1st tooth! Just days later, she got her bottom left too as well! It was on the bottom, right side. She also continues to army crawl everywhere, but hasn't officially started to crawl on her knees just yet. We defintiely had to make sure the house was baby proofed. She also learned how to do zerberts on mommy, or anything she puts her mouth on. She hasn't really said any words yet, besides basic sounds: a-gah, a-yah, etc. She also loves to scream, usually for no reason at all. I think she just enjoys hearing her voice. She can grab food pretty well, and loves to eat Gerber puffs and yogurt bites. She also loves to eat daddy's cool whip. We let her try some table food this month as well, such as bread. She really likes it! She had her 1st sleepover this month with Gran-Mommy and Big Poppa, while mommy and daddy went out with friends.
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